~The 3 C’s that We All Must Come to Know ‘if’ We Truly Want to See the Truest Picture of Love~ C—Child: Everyone comes into the world as a c—child. Regardless of who you are or who you will become, this is the common point of entry for all humans. Only Adam and Eve (from the record in Genesis) entered the world as adults. Everyone comes through childbirth. This simply means we are innocent and unknowing until we enter the next ‘c’… Culture. C—Culture (or community): This is where we can get it right or keep it wrong. If our culture is breeding what’s ‘true’ regarding the equality of all persons regardless of ethnicity, race, creed, color, and we lock it in as ‘truth’… this is good. For many, these customs include choice of denominations, food, fashion and other preferences that can span for a lifetime. The great challenge and often detriment is that these concepts often are limited and are overlaid with st...
THE CLEANSE continues… ~The Cleansing of the Nation through the Washing of the Word~ “The Nation Unites, Reads and Prays Forward the Entire Bible” NATIONAL DAYS OF CLEANSING— February 2019 Schedule Beyond the 36 th Anniversary of the MLK Holiday, the 90 th Birthday commemorating the birth of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we will convene days of cleansing by the word of God. We stay ready to engage at any time. A date in the spring is being planned and will be announced by March 15 th . If you did not do the 21-day biblical reading guide to cleansing, below is the outline for leaders and participants to engage each day. This ten-fifteen, minute pre-cleanse assignment is what prepares the cleansing agents to be at our best. It includes a weekly prayer/vision/strategy call each Tuesday night. About THE CLEANSE Talk, Pray and Ask Questions with the Visionaries/Organizers Tuesday’s 7:55pm-8:55pm CDT: Confer...